Three days to the first podcast, and I am gearing up for the show. I’m a bit nervous about producing a decent product that can be released on all podcast platforms.

I was hosting the trailer with but found they were a bit limited in distribution and features. It’s a great site for recording and editing, as they really generate a high-quality output by removing background noise, breathing sounds, and equalizing the recording extremely well. However, in terms of hosting on their platform, I made the decision to switch to offers a lot of features for hosting and distribution to various podcast outlets. I contacted their support team, and they seamlessly imported the trailer episode and show onto their site.

I’ve been practicing with my mic, which is an Audio-Technica AT2020USB-X Cardioid Condenser USB Microphone in black. I’m a big fan of Audio-Technica; I also have a pair of Bluetooth headphones from them, the Audio-Technica ATH-M50xBT2 Wireless Over-Ear Headphones. My turntable is also an Audio-Technica, the AT-LP120XBT-USB-BK, so you could say I’m a bit of a fan of their products.

For equipment, everything on my end of the show will be Audio-Technica, and I’ll be recording with Zoom on my Microsoft Surface Book Pro. After that, I’ll be editing on and releasing the first episode on

When testing my recording yesterday with the mic and headphones, I noticed that mouse clicks and the sound of paper with my questions were making a lot of noise, especially the mouse. It’s amazing how sensitive the microphone is. I bought a noiseless keyboard and mouse combo from Logitech and plastic sheet covers for my notes/questions to reduce the noise.

I’ve scheduled an hour and a half with Owen Reynolds for Saturday afternoon, and my wife Jen is going to take the kids out so I can have some quiet time to record the show.

This blog post serves as the prelude to the show. I’ll write another post after recording to document the experience.

Thanks for reading!

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